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In the world of Caelum, combat enthusiasts are assigned roles. These roles technically do not serve any purpose other than recommendations for team compositions, as most characters have their own mechanics built in to them that fill that role. There are five total roles:

Assault.png Assault

Assault characters are mostly on the offensive. They have relatively low HP, but have high offensive prowess. Assault characters focus purely on causing as much damage as possible within a short amount of turns.

Tank.png Tank

Tanks thrive in drawing Enmity to themselves in order to safeguard the party. They have the highest defensive power out of all roles, but can have relatively low offensive capabilities. Most Tanks offer a form of healing as a way to mitigate damage taken. Sometimes, they can also heal party members.

Chainer.png Chainer

Characters that fill the Chainer role have the lowest amount of offensive power, but make up for it with their extremely high amount of hits, and thrive on the art of Stance Breaks. Most of their benefits involve causing Stance Break to their opponents.

Support.png Support

Support characters aid the party through various means such as increasing their damage output and inflicting status effects towards enemies. Their offensive capabilities are less than that of an Assault, but can be stronger than a Tank's.

Versus.png Versus

Jack of all trades, master of none. Debuted in Lie of Caelum: Spirit, Versus characters adapt in any combat situation as they are capable of filling all roles. However, they are less efficient at their job than those who specialize in them. The benefit of Versus characters mostly come from their adaptability, as they can seamlessly switch from one role to another.