The Seraphim
In the celestial realm of Edel Sky, the Seraphim, revered as the creators of Caelestis (the universe inhabited by the people of Caelum), hold a place of supreme importance. Among these celestial beings, three stand out: the Seraphim of Truth, Reality, and Perception. These entities, the guardians of the fundamental pillars upon which Caelestis is built, possess unique and powerful abilities.
Seraph of Truth
Renowned for their intellect, the Seraph of Truth can discern fact from fiction with absolute precision. Their gaze pierces through deception, revealing the true nature of things. While this Seraph is widely revered among Caelum's inhabitants, it's often mistakenly believed to be the highest form of the Seraphim.
Seraph of Reality
Possessing immense power, the Seraph of Reality can shape the very fabric of existence. They can bend the laws of physics, create new worlds, and alter the course of destiny. The Kanotians, in particular, hold a deep reverence for this celestial being and often seek communion through ritualistic practices.
Seraph of Perception
Ethereal and insightful, the Seraph of Perception can see beyond the limitations of the physical world. They perceive subtle energies, hidden meanings, and the true nature of consciousness. Worshiped primarily by the Imiwaki Tribe and many inhabitants of the continent of Helm, this Seraph is revered for their profound understanding of the universe.
The Entities' Purpose
While distinct in their powers, the Seraph of Truth, Reality, and Perception are inextricably linked. Truth forms the foundation upon which Reality is built, while Perception serves as the lens through which both are viewed. Together, they form a cosmic trinity, ensuring the harmonious balance of Caelestis.