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"Creator: Aya Mikami. This was one of Aya's first experimental guns, made solely with Miyu in mind. The 5th (current) iteration has significant weight reduction, allowing Miyu to carry the railgun with ease. Despite all that, the railgun itself is still ridiculously heavy to such an extent that it helped Miyu develop a lean muscle tone."


  • This weapon allows the usage of Railgun-exclusive Brand units.
  • The weapon is known to hit a target within a 351-mile radius.
  • All previous iterations were known to cause terrible jamming due to their sheer weight in addition to weaker firepower.
  • ACR stands for "A Certain Railgun". "005" means 5th iteration, and "3015" means the date it was created.

Brand Units

ACR-005/3015 (Brand)
"A Brand Unit for Miyu's customized Railgun (created by Aya)."

"A Brand for Miyu's railgun, designed for chaos. May leave the user easily exhausted."

"Combat Cannon Mark-8. A Brand that is deadly at the hands of the strong."

"Otherwise known as 'Triple A'. This Brand is larger than your average artillery."